Monday, May 18, 2020

virtual learning 5/19/2020

Tuesday, May 19th, 2020

Students, just to let you know- the last day that I will post virtual learning will be May 29th. However, please know that you have until June 10th to work on any and all work, and get it turned in to me. Please continue to share work with me, including your adventure story and your animal classification slideshow!

Tuesday, May 19th, 2020

** I have updated the zoom meeting links for ALL meetings. Zoom now REQUIRES me to set passwords, for safety.  The password for all meetings is Etude. **

Book Club meeting, Group 2  at 10:30-
May overview of learning: link
May Do
Redbird LESSONS 45 minutes

Read 30 minutes, record on reading log.
(click on the 3rd tab labeled May 18th-May 22nd)  at the bottom of the page)

System 44, or Lexia for Ms. K.’s and Mrs. L.’s kids

Group 2 book club meeting at 10:30


For those of you who have not finished your adventure story and shared it with me, you need to do so (even if it’s not finished yet!) 
I do not have everyone’s story shared with me. Remember, this is a MUST DO. 

* Conclusion to your story. This includes writing it in your graphic organizer, then typing it. 
*Adult feedback filled in for your story, in your graphic organizer. 
*Edit your typed copy*:

  • Check out this video, and fix the dialogue in your story (when people are talking). I noticed many of us have characters talking, but it isn’t properly formatted in your story. As in, the punctuation, spacing, and new paragraphs aren’t being used. 
  • Make sure you tie up any loose ends in your story. If you introduced a problem, the conclusion should be where it is solved. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a “happy” ending.  Maybe the problem isn’t solved in a way that the main character expected/wanted/thought. 

DOL Week 30


DAY 12/13

Today starts a two day research time using the websites you have selected, for your animal research.  Please use the slides to type your notes.  It asks you to set up a graphic organizer, which basically means to organize your information into subtopics.
You could use subtopic headings, or maybe even a web. 

The panda eats 1 ton of bamboo every day.
The panda also enjoys eucalyptus leaves. 

The panda lives in the lush jungles of Asia.  


Animal name in the middle, and subtopics in the outside bubbles. 

5th grade: Work on your COL slideshow


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